How Digital Media Can Improve Your Indoor Digital Signage Experience
Digital media exploded into our lives rapidly about two decades ago. They were born in the 1980s when the Internet and computer technology for mass use began to actively develop. For a long time, this was a novelty for a person inexperienced with such innovations, since previously, the media were based only on print and analog broadcasting models.
Today, digital signage solutions are actively using digital media to achieve business goals. Moreover, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of digital media in the efficiency of digital signage solutions. Indoor digital signage and digital media are made for each other. They are inseparable, like Christmas and Santa, Chip and Dale, Bonnie and Clyde - it's difficult to imagine them apart because they complement each other.
Indoor digital signage is a tool for displaying ads on screens, but it won't work without digital media. Information is a media that drives digital advertising investments. Digital signage is a bit like an ice cream cone. You won't buy an empty cone, just like buying a scoop of ice cream without the dish. The relationship between indoor digital signage and content is similar - it's a unified ad management platform.
Digital media is the content of indoor digital signage. It is a tool to reach out to your customers and keep their attention. Indoor digital signage digital media increases customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby boost sales and make the company grow. There is no similar strategy in the market that could have a similar effect. Indoor digital signage in collaboration with digital media has become an entirely new type of marketing that companies use. First, the brand needs to invest in digital media, and then it offers almost limitless possibilities for using content to achieve marketing goals.
When was the last time you used a paper flyer for a store purchase? Probably a long time ago. What about using QR codes on Interactive Displays? Have you ever rated customer service quality on indoor digital signage? Maybe you subscribed to the latest news of the brand in exchange for a discount? This kind of content at, for instance, Wayfinder digital signage is excellent at generating leads and keeping communication with customers outside of the business location. Research shows that digital advertising in public spaces can reach 27% more people than online strategies. Indoor digital signage with engaging content plays a critical role in lead generation. For example, Information kiosk software shows customers more digital media than a static board. Moreover, information kiosk software lets customers go on the brands' website and subscribe to its news due to internet access. In collaboration with a user-friendly interface, the high-quality digital media content is a great ad management system that helps drive more leads into your marketing funnel.
To improve the indoor digital experience, brands should launch beneficial digital media on their interface. For instance, digital signage solutions can show products on sale or special deals. This will save time and money for customers. It also can compare the cost of different options for goods of various sizes. It will let customers get more of a product for less money. Digital media can provide additional product information that may affect healthier choices - calorie information, glucose level, and gluten-free.
There is no better collaboration than the user-friendly interface of indoor digital signage and helpful digital media. Like any great duo, they work in tandem and empower each other. At Smartek, we always emphasize the value of digital media creation for our clients. This is not just an add-on or another feature but the only and sure way to recoup your investment in digital advertising.